No Ordinary Stalking: A Look At Organized Stalking And Electronic Harassment Free Downloadgolkes
No Ordinary Stalking: a look at organized stalking and electronic harassment
No Ordinary Stalking: a look at organized stalking and electronic harassment
Stalking is a form of harassment that involves repeated and unwanted contact, surveillance, or attention that causes fear or distress in the victim. Stalking can have serious psychological and physical consequences for the victim, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even suicide. However, some victims of stalking report experiencing a more extreme and sinister form of harassment that goes beyond the conventional definition of stalking. This form of harassment is known as organized stalking or gang stalking, and it involves a network of perpetrators who systematically and covertly target, monitor, manipulate, and harass an individual or a group of individuals. Organized stalking is often accompanied by electronic harassment or electromagnetic torture, which is the use of various technologies and devices to remotely inflict physical or psychological harm on the victim.
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Organized stalking and electronic harassment are not widely recognized or understood by the general public, the media, or the law enforcement. Many victims of these crimes are dismissed as paranoid, delusional, or mentally ill, and they face difficulties in finding support, protection, or justice. However, there is evidence that organized stalking and electronic harassment are real phenomena that affect thousands of people around the world. In this article, we will explore the nature, scope, methods, motives, and effects of organized stalking and electronic harassment, as well as the challenges and possible solutions for addressing these crimes.
What is organized stalking?
Organized stalking is a form of psychological warfare that aims to isolate, intimidate, control, and destroy the victim. According to the Anti-Gang Stalking Center, organized stalking is defined as:
Organized stalking is a PsyOps (Psychological Warfare), harassment, and torture campaign where an individual or individuals (who are called a Targeted Individual) are "covertly", as publicly acknowledged by society, surveilled and harassed by a criminal network group of stalkers and harassers; the act is considered covert because society has not publicly acknowledged it, but the tactics and behavior of the Stalkers is often blantant as seen in a video where a town conducted a horn honking campaign on one family. This harassment in many cases occurs every day throughout the whole day and infiltrates nearly all aspects of the TI s life. Put in this context, since the Targeted Individual is more likely to die an early death, Organized Gang Stalking can be thought of as a form of lynching.
Organized stalking can also be called by other names, such as community stalking, community policing, gang stalking spiritual warfare, or police stalking. Organized stalking can involve various tactics and techniques that are designed to harass, manipulate, discredit, isolate, or harm the victim. Some of these tactics and techniques include:
Surveillance: The victim is constantly monitored by various means, such as being followed by vehicles or pedestrians, having their phone or computer hacked or bugged, having their online activities tracked, or having cameras installed in their home or workplace. The surveillance can serve multiple purposes: to gather information about the victim's habits, preferences, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, or sensitivities; to intimidate or frighten the victim; to create a sense of paranoia or helplessness in the victim; to prevent the victim from escaping or seeking help; or to set up the victim for further harassment.
Sensitization: The victim is exposed to certain stimuli repeatedly until they develop a conditioned response to them. For example, the victim may be sensitized to certain colors, sounds, words, gestures, symbols, or objects that are then used by the perpetrators to trigger negative emotions or reactions in the victim. The goal of sensitization is to make the victim self-police their behavior and environment and to make them think that anyone who displays or uses these stimuli is involved in the harassment.
Mobbing: The victim is subjected to overt or covert hostility from multiple people in their social or professional circles. For example, the victim may be shunned, slandered, ridiculed, sabotaged, threatened, or assaulted by their friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, or strangers. The goal of mobbing is to isolate the victim from any potential sources of support, sympathy, or protection and to make them feel alone, unwanted, or unworthy.
Street theater: The victim is exposed to staged or scripted scenarios that are meant to provoke, confuse, or distress the victim. For example, the victim may witness a fake confrontation, accident, crime, or emergency that involves their sensitized stimuli or personal information. The goal of street theater is to test the victim's reactions, to make them doubt their perception or sanity, or to make them appear unstable or irrational to others.
Gaslighting: The victim is subjected to manipulation that is intended to make them question their own memory, perception, or sanity. For example, the victim may find that their belongings are moved, altered, damaged, or stolen; that their mail is tampered with; that their appointments are changed; that their accounts are hacked; or that their environment is modified in subtle or obvious ways. The goal of gaslighting is to make the victim feel confused, insecure, or crazy and to make them lose trust in themselves or others.
These are just some of the common tactics and techniques of organized stalking. There are many more variations and combinations that can be used depending on the situation, the target, and the objective of the harassment. Organized stalking can last for months, years, or even decades, and it can affect every aspect of the victim's life: their physical and mental health, their personal and professional relationships, their finances and legal status, their reputation and credibility, and their safety and security.
What is electronic harassment?
Electronic harassment is a form of physical or psychological torture that uses various technologies and devices to remotely inflict pain, discomfort, or harm on the victim. According to Targeted America, electronic harassment is defined as:
The electronic harassment that accompanies organized stalking is also known as covert harassment and the stalker sometimes uses remote assault and battery in their reprehensible crimes.
Electronic harassment can also be called by other names, such as electromagnetic torture, psychotronic torture, directed energy weapons (DEW), voice to skull (V2K), synthetic telepathy, or microwave auditory effect. Electronic harassment can involve various technologies and devices that are used to remotely transmit sounds, images, thoughts, sensations, or signals into the victim's brain or body. Some of these technologies and devices include:
Microwave weapons: These are devices that emit high-frequency electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate walls and human tissue. Microwave weapons can be used to cause various effects on the victim's body or mind, such as heating, burning, itching, tingling, pain, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, seizures, organ damage, cancer, or death. Microwave weapons can also be used to induce auditory hallucinations in the victim's ears by stimulating the cochlea with modulated microwaves. This phenomenon is known as the microwave auditory effect or voice to skull (V2K). V2K can be used to transmit sounds, voices, music, noises, commands, threats, insults, or other messages into the victim's head. V2K can also be used to manipulate the victim's emotions, thoughts, memories, dreams, or behavior.
Laser weapons: These are devices that emit focused beams of light that can travel long distances and cause damage or injury. Laser weapons can be used to target the victim's eyesight and balance by temporarily blinding them or causing them to see flashes of light. This technique is known as dazzling. Laser weapons can also be used to cause pain, burns, scars, wounds, bleeding, infections, blindness, or death by targeting other parts of the victim's body.
How widespread is organized stalking and electronic harassment?
It is difficult to estimate the exact number of victims of organized stalking and electronic harassment, as there is no official recognition or reporting of these crimes. However, based on various sources, such as surveys, petitions, websites, blogs, forums, books, documentaries, and testimonies, it can be inferred that organized stalking and electronic harassment are global phenomena that affect thousands or even millions of people from different backgrounds, ages, genders, races, religions, and professions. Some examples of these sources are:
The 2009 FFCHS Survey: This was a survey conducted by the Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS), a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights and welfare of victims of organized stalking and electronic harassment. The survey collected data from 1,414 respondents from 40 countries who claimed to be victims of these crimes. The survey revealed that 70% of the respondents were female and 30% were male; that the average age of the respondents